
Civil [ 結果查詢 ] How to Plot additional stress point on a section?

[ MIDAS技術部 ]


I have some problems related to plotting the additional stress point here

I add 3 additional points beside the default stress point, but I did not see the additional 3 point in the PSC stress result.
Can you explain the right way to add it?

[ MIDAS技術部 ]


Your additional stress points plotting are correct, but in order to access the results, you can access your stress point results at Results>Beam/Element>Beam Detail Analysis. 
After that you can select “Section” Tab below to access your stress value on both Stress Points and Additional Stress Points. 
The reason why you cannot see the value of your additional stress points in Beam Stresses(PSC) is that only default placement can be shown in that part, in which the middle point (the additional stress points) are not present.  
Please see the attachments for more details.